Benefits of Hypnosis for Christians | Empowered Creativity Coach Stephanie Ferrara

Benefits of Hypnosis for Christians

Lori Beard is a mindset transformation expert. She helps busy, successful professionals achieve life altering, rapid, transformative solutions and scale their sales professionally with overall joy and prosperity.

*This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link on this blog. I would never recommend something I don’t love myself! 

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Lori has significant experience witnessing rapid life transformations of successful professionals responsible in sales for their business, such as CEOs, lawyers and other small business owners during her confidential virtual sessions.

By removing mind and emotional blocks, her clients see significant business revenue increases, restoration of personal and professional relationships, and removal of burden, guilt, self-doubt and financial worries. This results in a newfound peace of mind on a daily basis.

Benefits of Hypnosis for Christians | Empowered Creativity Coach Stephanie Ferrara

Show Notes

Many Christians are fearful when it comes to hypnosis as a valid form of therapy or treatment.

Lori and I discussed how hypnosis can be a very viable and beneficial modality for healing and retraining our thoughts.

  • Hypnosis, when delivered in a God honoring (not entertainment) way is extremely beneficial
  • 2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and a sound mind.
  • Addictions, fear and negative thinking can become so ingrained and rooted in our subconscious mind
  • Our mind can block and suppress memories
  • Healing comes at a conscious level. Hypnosis helps to bring hidden memories into the conscious mind so that they can be healed.
  • SOS: Stop Observe Shift
  • ThinkUp app can be found here
  • Stephanie mentioned a worksheet that she created for her clients to help them convert negative and false belief thoughts into positive truth. That worksheet can also be found as part of her blog post Take Every Thought Captive or You Leave Yourself Vulnerable
  • Your brain believes and acts based on the thoughts that you repeat in your head and works to make it true even if it isn’t. That could be “I am bad at math” or “I am not good at technology.”
  • You can bridge the gap between fiction and truth by first observing the words or behavior. Literally count how many times you say something negative.
  • Then do the opposite and count how many times you catch yourself and replace it with something positive
  • Change your language to change your thought patterns
Free Spirit Coaching | Empowered Creativity Coach Stephanie Ferrara

Connect with Lori

Take every negative thought captive and change it into a positive truth!

Stephanie Ferrara | Empowered Creativity Coach

My mission is to encourage women to trust in themselves in life and in business. With love and faith I lead women business owners to find freedom in their God-given identity so they can live out their purpose with confidence. By helping you set expectations that lead to action, your dreams become a reality!  

Stephanie Ferrara

Coach, Speaker,
Freedom Fighter

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